slowing aging,

  • Can we slow or eliminate aging? Investors say: yes.

    Last century we found treatments for cancer, developed antibiotics, expanded medical imaging systems, and made heart interventions commonplace. This century can we slow the aging process? Investors say, "yes!" Their financial capital is nourishing a confluence that includes new medical breakthroughs and ardent radical life extension advocates. Now, the elimination of or slowing of aging looks like a realistic goal in the next 10 years. Thinkers have been imagining this moment for some time as you'll learn reading the history of the anti-aging research movement. People are already debating the ethics of longevity but what really happens if we find the keys to aging and end the process of growing old? Most importantly, how will it impact you?

    Image at left depicting causes of cell senescence is courtesy of the Journal of Cell Biology. The image can be enlarged at its source.