My mother would've been horrified to know that one of the property assets she agreed to sell was signed away with only an electronic signature...just a virtual scrawl on a digital form in Ariel font. How could anyone be liable without their unique signature on the document she would've worried. Though she saw the signs of our society downgrading the importance of signatures several years before that transaction, in checks that were casually cashed without one, she never imagined that electronic signatures were the beginning of a larger move away from cursive. Many signs now point to the possibility that longhand, a personalized form of communication popularized in the early stages of our country, could be headed for a digital demise. Why?


 Note: Handwriting is an umbrella term for letters created with pen or pencil. Cursive, Longhand, and Script refer specifically to the practice of joining letters.

Are you still working? Planning to Retire? Working hard, saving, and retiring by 65 has arguably long been part of the American Dream. Now this norm is changing. The evidence: Americans 65 and older are the fastest growing segment in the workforce! Let's take a look at why that's happening and how it may benefit the way we age.