"Please continue to hold. We value your call." Recognize that omnipresent mantra of bad customer service? I'm sorry I didn't understand your answer. Please hold for the next available representative. Are you still there?

Every few years we hear anthems about happiness from Judy Garland's "Get Happy" in the 1950's  to Pharrell Williams' current hit "Happy."

Since 2012 even the United Nations has been cheerleading happiness. The International Day of Happiness created through resolution of the UN General Assemby recognizes happiness as a fundamental human goal.  Now science is beginning to weigh in on the matter. Is happiness as a goal realistic for all of us? Does happiness improve our lives or deliver lasting benefits?

Have you changed clothes more than once in the morning because you're looking for the color that harmonizes with your mood or complexion on a given day? Have you ever felt revulsed by or attracted to a color? If so, you're closely attuned to the physiological effect color has on all of us often in our subconscious. We relate to color based on our culture, language and vision but we feel the strongest response to colors in combination. Feeling down? Shake up some reds or oranges. Feeling anxious? Paint your life blue or violet. By understanding and harnessing colors we can improve our personal well being and the spaces in our public lives.

When weatherman Willard Scott began sending Happy Birthday wishes to centenarians on the Today show in 1983 the average American lifespan was 70. Those Birthday wishes inspired smiles and amazement. One hundred was remarkable then!  Today, centenarians are the fastest growing age group. 1 out of every 26 Boomers will reach that milestone. Who is most apt to experience advanced age and what's it like to to live to 100? Studies yield some surprising answers.